Install Latest ReadyMedia miniDLNA Raspberry Pi

raspberry_pi_readymedia_minidlnaDLNA servers allow you to stream your media library on your HTPC server to any DLNA enabled client. DLNA enabled clients include Bluray players, XBOX 360, XBOX One, PS3, PS4 and some TVs. There are other DLNA servers out there for the Raspberry Pi. I was looking at MediaTomb but … I'm curious

Properly Mount USB Storage on Raspberry Pi

raspberry-pi-mount-usbThis guide will show you how to properly mount storage drives on Minibian, Raspbian and Raspbmc. Many guides use a simpler, less robust method that can cause issues if you use multiple USB storage devices. I will walk you through mounting USB sticks and USB hard drives on your Raspberry … I'm curious

Nag Free Dynamic DNS on Raspberry Pi

afraidStatic IPs on the internet usually cost extra from your ISP. Many of us have dynamic IPs which change every so often. This can be annoying if you want remote access to our Raspberry Pi our home media servers. Dynamic DNS solves this by automatically registering your new IP address … I'm curious